Why Auto Glass Repair May Be Right For You

Have you recently driven through a road construction site only to have a loose pebble get thrown against your windshield? Are you worried about the damage, but you're unsure what to do now? Your friends or relatives may be advising you to replace your windshield with a new one, but there could actually be another option for you. Depending on how severe the damage is, you may be able torepair the windshield instead of replacing it. Here are some reasons why you should consider this possibility:

Quick turnaround: Replacing an entire windshield can take hours. You could find yourself without a car for most of the day while the busy auto glass replacement shop takes care of all of the vehicles that need a replacement. When you lead a busy lifestyle, being deprived of your car for so long can be a huge annoyance.

Fortunately, auto glass repair takes only a fraction of the time. The repair technician will apply a clear quick-drying epoxy to your windshield. For a skilled repair technician and a relatively small area of damage, this may only take a few minutes. The epoxy itself should only take a few more minutes to cure, allowing you to use your vehicle almost immediately.

More convenience: With a windshield replacement, you typically have to take your vehicle to a specific shop and leave it there. Then you'll have to make arrangements to come back later to get your vehicle when they are done. If you can't find anyone to take you to the shop, this can be a hassle. You could even wind up with a hefty taxi bill as a result. With auto glass repair, the repair technician can instead come to you. Because all they need is a relatively small amount of epoxy, they are able to travel to their customers. Because of the quick turnaround time and the technician coming to you, this means that you can have your windshield repaired during a lunch break at work or while your young child naps at home.

Lower cost: As one might imagine, large pieces of glass can be expensive. The cost can vary depending on the make and model of your vehicle, but it can still be a hefty fee. This is especially true if your auto insurance doesn't cover windshield replacement. Fortunately, with auto glass repair, the price is significantly lower. Because only a small amount of epoxy is needed to fix a windshield, you're essentially only paying for the technician's travel time and a few minutes of labor. Depending on various factors, this could result in the repair costing less than just the taxi that you'd need to get to and from the replacement shop.
